Page 11 - LandBroker MLS Magazine Fall 2020
P. 11

TO grid OR

        Recently Kim Kardashian

        and Kanye West made headlines when they moved to Cody,
        Wyoming. Whether or not this will be good for the neighborhood   For my father and his wife it means, about mid-June, they begin
        will be for Cody, Wyoming to decide. The Kardashians moving to   cutting firewood for the winter. Sure, you can go buy firewood,
        Wyoming is equivalent to a normal American family moving off grid.   but are you off grid if you are buying your firewood from that guy
                                                          in the big box hardware store? It raises a question to the off grid
        My father lives off grid in the heart of Western Montana. When   lifestyle and determines how off-grid of the off-grid you want to
        he began building his house 15 years ago, he decided to install   be. Answering this question will determine many choices from a
        solar, because it was going to cost $45,000 to run electric back   composting toilet or a grey water system and a toilet that flushes
        from  the  county  road.  Today,  when  someone  new  arrives  to   and how you heat your home.
        “town,” (often from the city or suburb), eventually he will get a
        phone call from “the cousin of the friend of a neighbor down the   Solar panels for electrical needs are not an instant solution and
        road whom he helped repair a tractor for last summer.”   can be incredibly finicky. How will you clean the panels when
                                                          they get dirty? How many batteries do you run in your bank?   by Martha Cargill
        Invariably, the newcomer is looking for answers. The questions   Did you note (or even know?) that a key component to a healthy
        are never easy, but only because the solution relies on being   solar system is the water level in the batteries? What kind and   Although this dynamic is not exclusive to off grid living, with fewer
        self-sufficient and hard working. It is not that this quality is hard   quality of controller did you install on the system? Do you have   amenities and services nearby, reliance on your neighbor (even if
        to come by, but the truth is, off grid living looks so much more   a back-up generator, and did you let the batteries run too low   that neighbor is 10 plus miles away) may become a determining
        simple and straightforward on episodes about tiny houses parked   before you switched to generator power? If any one of these   factor in “location, location, location.” (Harold Samuel, 1944
        in open spaces, and time lapse footage on an Instagram feed of   aspects is out of sync, the new solar user quickly runs the risk   founder of Land Securities).
        building a log cabin in the woods.                of burning up the whole system, and you find out too late, there
                                                          is a big difference between flipping a switch on the wall and   Even  the  Kardashians  had  their  reasons  for  moving  to  Cody,
        My father is not judgmental and believes knowledge is free. He is   managing a solar system.       Wyoming instead of Butte, Montana. That is their business, but as
        the original “you can give a man a fish or teach him how to fish,”                                 my father once said, “The area might be good for the way one
        philosophy and he freely shares what he has learned through   And of course, without sounding deeply cynical, but trying to put   believes, or it might not. A person may have to think about things
        trial and tribulation and experiment and failure over the years in   common in common sense, just because a piece of property feels   a little differently if they move into the area they like, to enjoy the
        essentially living off grid.                      idyllic on a picnic, or you had a good time at the lake in that pretty   new perspective of the community. The place they are looking
                                                          mountain town north of nothing, is it a location where you can   to live may not agree with their personal philosophies of life. Do
        One of the first things most people do not realize, is that living off   peaceably live, content to be alone in the wilderness? Or possibly   they become an activist and try to change it, or find a place that
        grid is a lot of work. And I mean: it’s a lot of work. Having been   more importantly, is it somewhere you can find community?   agrees with their thinking? It pretty much boils down to: what does a
        raised on a farm, I know firsthand, that when I tell people I grew                                 person want out of life? Find that place and live there. Don’t change
        up on a farm, unless I am speaking to a person who also grew up   Ironically, one of the secret truths of living off grid, is that it is less   it. Take care of it for the person that follows.” (Herb Cargill)
        on a farm, bar none the initial response is, “oh that sounds so fun!”   about living like Richard Proenneke ( in
        While there are certain happy and “fun” memories from growing   the wilds of Alaska, and more like a wagon train of air streams   This is not written with intent to scare enterprising humans off from
        up on a farm, the fact remains, what it was, was a great deal   circled in the high desert of Tucson, AZ.   living an authentic life, moving off grid, or going deeply rural.
        of work. In fact, the work is never done. This might mean for                                      It is a short list of several factors and dynamics to consider in a
        example, in the wintertime, your entire life can be reduced to a   My father has shared many stories wherein he helped a neighbor,   successful off grid transition, because it may not be as easy as
        single occupation: keeping the ice broken up on drinking troughs   or a neighbor helped him, even though he lives far from town   that full-fledged carpenter and journeyman electrician building
        for the animals. I know this, having spent winters, from the age of   without a reliable cell phone signal. Just as much as living in   his vacation home in the wood makes it seem on YouTube. But, as
        5 years to 18 years, every morning, afternoon home from school,   accord with nature comes and goes with the weather and the     the old cattleman said to his son, when his son said he was going
        and evenings before dinner, making sure ice was broken up on   seasons, a person learns that give and take in human community   to drive the cattle a different route to the round-up, “It won’t be
        troughs and drinking surfaces for the animals.    comes and goes as well.                          easy, but it’s possible.”

        LANDBROKERMLS.COM                                                  FALL 2020                                                LANDBROKERMLS   |   9
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